Thursday, August 4, 2011

That Song

You know "that song." The one that gets stuck in your head and rolls around and around until you start to go just a little bit crazy. It's probably one you don't even like, but there's something about it that just won't go away. It can pop up anywhere; while you're driving, eating, working, trying to concentrate on something else and BAM, it's there. "That song."

It may be the one we all heard as children on the ride at the amusement park. Yeah, THAT one. Has it started running in your head yet? It will, and you won't be able to stop it until that OTHER song pops up. The one that never ends. The one that never ends. The one that never ends.

So which one is making you crazy now? It will get worse before it gets better, because there's always a third and fourth. It's that song by that singer you can't stand, but the radio plays it all the time because she's supposed to be some sort of superstar. Every time you turn on the radio, it's there. It gets stuck in those grooves in your head and keeps going . . . and going . . . and going . . . it's worse than the Energizer Bunny(c). And it doesn't ever need batteries.

Why does this happen? If you're waiting for a scientific answer, keep waiting because I don't have one. I don't have the first clue as to how the brain actually works. I do know this; it's a powerful tool none of us use to it's full extent. We get lazy and these nonsensical, repetitive, ridiculous patterns gets stuck in the blank spaces we aren't using for anything else. Trying to think of something else only makes it worse. All of us have too many of these unused areas of our mind and that's where the junk collects. Just like in your house. No sooner do you clean off the table top than things begin to accumulate once again. Dark corners of closets that don't see the light of day collect all sorts of dust bunnies and other assorted household detritus. That drawer we don't use for anything else specific collects the varied and useless. Parts that are missing other parts. Locks without keys. Keys without locks. Those twist ties we never used on the garbage bags. Pens that no longer write. Half a pair of scissors. Pure junk, but we collect it and it goes on and on and on.

It's been said that nature abhors a vacuum. Empty space must be filled with something. That empty space in your mind must be filled with something, so "that song" finds it and fills it up and lets you know that it is a small world after all, there is a song that never ends, and some people are just mean.

Are you hearing "that song" now? Good. At least now I'm not the only one. Happy humming.

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