Friday, November 28, 2008

WARNING: Shameless Self Promotion Following

Thanksgiving is over and now most people really start thinking about what to buy other people for Christmas. Well, I have an idea. Yeah, you can probably see it coming, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Not just any books, of course, but my books. I only have two, so that won't stretch your budget too much.

For those on your list who like fiction; a little mystery, a little suspense, a little romance, check out my novel "Hidden Lives". You can get it quite easily online at Barnes & Noble. You can visit my web site and read the first chapter, too.

For those who like non-fiction and like to contribute to a good cause; my book "Caste Aside: Hope for Orphans from the Heart of India". Also available at Barnes and Noble. The contributing part; all royalties go to the orphanage in India this book is written about.

So, those of you with friends who can read, I know you have them, stuff their stocking with these two little gems and make Christmas merrier for all of us.

Another place to find great books, that I didn't write, go to and check out the bookstore. This is great new Christian speculative fiction by some great authors and a new wonderful indie press.

Oh, what do I want for Christmas? My list still to come . . .

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It's November and the election is over. For that I am thankful, even though my choice did not win. So in the spirit of thanks, here are a list of things that I am extremely thankful for.

1. God's grace
2. That I have a voice in elections
3. Godly parents
4. Godly husband
5. Good kids who grew up to be good adults
6. Church family, several of them
7. Cooler weather
8. Answered prayer
9. Unanswered prayer
10. Football
11. Hamburgers
12. Pets
13. A good job
14. A vehicle that runs well
15. A roof over my head
16. Writer friends who are as crazy as I am
17. Imagination
18. An "off" button on the TV
19. Books
20. God's grace

You'll notice that #1 and #20 are the same. Without that, everything else is pointless.

Count your blessings. You have many. The more time you spend counting your blessings, the less time you have to gripe about the unimportant stuff.

Happy Thanksgiving and hug your family tight; even the ones you may not particularly get along with.