I'm going to venture into politics, again.
The shenanigans going on in Washington D.C. and other places in this country are incomprehensibly appalling. No one except conservative talk radio seems to be aware that we have a Marxist in the White House and he has an agenda to make this a Marxist country. I know he calls himself a Democrat. I know he calls himself an agent for "hope and change." Bunk. He's out to destroy our free enterprise system, destroy small business, nationalize everything he can get his hands on and throw out the constitution as irrelevant.
Don't believe me? That's okay, you don't have to. You are just as entitled to your opinion as I am. But I believe this. NOT because talk radio says so. Because I listen to what is going on up there in the capitol and I pay attention.
The debacle with GM is only one of many examples that our government is moving inexorably toward a Communist/Marxist type of government. The government wants to tell you what kind of car you will be allowed to drive, what kind of medical treatment you will be allowed to obtain and what you will be allowed to say in public.
Why do you think the mainstream media is so harsh and degrading to people to like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and the other conservative talk radio people? Because they are afraid people will actually start listening to what they have to say and start questioning the existing policies! How dare we question our own government? Because it is OUR government.
The President and Congress work for US! We hired them, we can fire them. That's what voting is, people! You, a voter in the United States of America has the Constitutional right to hire and fire your Mayor, City Council Member, State Representative and Senator, US Representative and Senator. YOU voted/hired them into that office. They are REQUIRED to answer to YOU. That is the LAW!
Don't let the government continue to break the law and stomp all over your rights and your beliefs. When they are wrong, stand up and say so. Quit being afraid to say that wrong is wrong. The government has no trouble coming down on the citizens when they cross the legal lines, so neither should we as citizens have trouble coming down on our government when they cross the legal lines.
Get off your duffs and say something. Do your homework. Pay attention to what is happening in Washington and your own state capitol. This problem is not limited to the federal government; it happens in state and city governments as well. Start finding out the truth behind what's happening. If you don't, and if I don't, and if we all don't, we're going to find ourselves nationalized out of business.
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